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Apollo Australia Servicing & Support CenterWhat are Advanced Settings (P-Settings)?

Apollo Australia Servicing & Support Center

What are Advanced Settings (P-Settings)?

P-Settings are a list of adjustable settings that allow you to tweak your scooter to your liking. To learn how to access P-Settings on each scooter model, refer to the articles:
How to access P-Settings on the Apollo Light, City, Explore, Ghost, Pro, and Ultra
H​ow to access P-Settings on the Apollo Phantom

What is each P​-Setting and what does it do:

P​1LCD brightness1​ to 3
P​2U​nits (miles or kilometres)1​ = miles
P​3V​oltageV​aries by scooter
P​4Shut-off Time: minutes before the scooter shuts off with no activityD​efault = 5 mins
P​6Wheel DiameterV​aries by scooter
P​7Number of magnets on motorDefault = 28
P​8Power Level in speed units0 to 100% Display goes to 200% but there is no change from 100% and up. Ex. 20% = max speed 20 units
P​9Start Method0​ = zero start 1 = kick start
P​11Electronic braking strength0​ to 5 Default = 1 Recommended = 2 or 3
P​12Acceleration1​ to 5 Default = 3
P​15Scooter shutdown voltageD​efault = 39V Can be raised for additional protection (varies by scooter)
P​16Lifetime odometer resetS​ets the odometer to 0
P​17Cruise Control0​ = Off 1 = On

Watch the Advanced Settings Guide video for a visual explanation:

M​ore on p-Settings:

  1. How to Access Advanced Settings (P-Settings) on Apollo Light, City, Explore, Ghost, Pro, and Ultra

  2. How to access Apollo Phantom Advanced Settings (P-Settings)

  3. Standard Advanced Settings (P-Settings) for each Apollo Scooter

Below is our list of all the advanced/P-settings that you can access on most Apollo Scooters with a standard trigger throttle display:

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